Report Runner Infinity Suite

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Report Runner Infinity Suite is the most efficient and cost-effective solution for deploying all our software solutions across medium to large enterprises. Starting at just $7500 per year, this package offers unlimited site-wide and worldwide licensing of all our Report Runner software solutions.
There are only two conditions for this licensing:
1. Single Organization Use: The licensing is restricted to one organization and is not for resale or deployment to customers. For example, IBM can use it internally at every IBM office worldwide, but any customers outsourcing to them would require separate licensing.
Outsourcing Example: If customer-specific work requires a unique environment, it's considered outsourcing. You can have 5000 customers logging into one instance of Web Portal to run reports, which is allowed. However, running 5000 separate instances of Web Portal (one for each customer) is not permitted under the standard Infinity license and would require the Reseller Infinity license. Generally, if a separate environment or machine is needed for an individual customer, it is not covered under the standard Infinity license.
2. Support and Licensing Contacts: Support and licensing are managed through two designated contacts within your organization. These contacts have direct access to our support team, while your unlimited worldwide users must go through these internal contacts first. For instance, if you deploy our Report Runner Viewer to 50,000 users globally, individual users should contact your two designated contacts for support, not us directly.
We can modify these stipulations on a case-by-case basis. If you wish to make the software available to both your organization and external customers, we will provide a specific quote for that solution.
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